EVERYTHING matters however nobody IS LISTENING by peaceful SLANG (BEACH SLANG)

If you play piano as well as loud-whisper, does Replacements-stye rock ended up being profound?  James Alex really hopes you believe so, considering that he’s re-recorded all these tunes that he composed for his punky club band beach Slang as acoustic, sluggish anthems. Or, to quote his song, “Too Late to die Young:” “The punks are wired, as well as these records feel tough/It’s loud as well as wild, however I vow it feels soft…”

The response is no, however that doesn’t indicate you must avoid this record. This is an experiment he started last year, with a neat bit EP…
We Were infants & We Were Dirtbags [Quiet Slang] by beach Slang
…featuring Replacements as well as huge star covers. now it’s a full album of beach Slang songs. It works. You won’t be able to shake the original versions, however it’s much easier to comprehend Alex’s terrific lyrics when he sings them with strings accompanying him (Dan Delaney on cello, Keith Giosa on piano). I didn’t discover myself “missing” the originals, however on the whole this doesn’t feel like an important chapter in the band’s catalog–it’s for hardcore fans only (and I count myself as one of those)–and those fans won’t be disappointed.
Everything matters however nobody Is Listening [Quiet Slang] by beach Slang

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