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Casper the friendly Ghost #1 cover by Adrian Ropp

Writer/artist Mike Wolfer has dealt with such comics as The Land That Time Forgot, Widow, Gravel, and numerous more. S.A. check has written sci-fi and fantasy novels as well as the Pink Panther comic. They are two of the creators gathered together to tell new tales of Casper and pals in American Mythology’s Casper The friendly Ghost. Westfield’s Roger Ash recently had the opportunity to learn much more about the series from Wolfer and Check.

Westfield: What appeals to you about Casper?

Mike Wolfer: When I was a kid in the mid-‘60s, you couldn’t turn on the TV or go to the drugstore without bumping into Casper and his friends, so they’re very much ingrained in the memories of my childhood. Of all of the Harvey characters, hot stuff always stood out as the one with whom I many associated, primarily because I wanted to be like him. He typically didn’t go out of his way to do good or bad, he just wanted to do his thing and unintentionally fell into adventures along the way. For me, what many stuck out about him was that he didn’t let anybody push him around, and as a shy kid who spent many of my time making up imaginary play scenarios, hot Stuff’s resilience in the face of adversity made me a fan.

S.A. Check: Casper is one of those time-tested characters that has a proven universal appeal. fans of the character stretch the expanse of literally generations. He feels like he’s on the outside looking in, and he only wants the same thing each and every other person out there is looking for, acceptance. That said, I think he’s also very grounded with who he is. He’s not a character that conforms to those around him. He wants to help others in the best of ways and allows us to see the world around him through a very distinct and pure perspective.

Casper the friendly Ghost #1 retro Animation cover

Westfield: Why do you think Casper has lasted so long?

Check: Casper appeals to the young and old, young boys and girls alike. There’re no gimmicks. He’s not a fad. He’s a compelling character for kids and adults. who hasn’t felt like they’re the ghost in the room, struggling to find their voice? He’s been raised in a world where he’s taught to decline humans, but instead he chooses to embrace them. No matter how numerous times he unintentionally frightens someone, it never stops him from searching for the most basic of things, a friend. All that said, Casper is never preachy. The books and stories are pure home entertainment fun implied for anybody searching for a few good pages to read.

Wolfer: In my opinion, it’s really all about the innocence of the characters, and the purity of their intentions. If it makes sense, they’re renowned in their simplicity. The stories are easy and silly, and I think the format itself (short 6-10 page stories with a punchline ending) makes for very easy reading, especially for younger readers. and I think we can all find something of ourselves – or traits that we wish that we had – in Casper and his friends. If you look at the entire group as a whole, you’ll find someone in there who you can say, “That’s me.”

Casper the friendly Ghost #1 Mike Wolfer cover

Westfield: What can readers look forward to in the book?

Wolfer: In my hot stuff stories, we’re going to see straight-up silliness. hot stuff was never known for the lessons which he could instruct to others; his stories were much more about whether or not he could hold his temper while handling a outrageous situation, so I’m taking the same, classic approach. While lettering my stories, Natalie Jane typically says, “Poor hot Stuff,” because that little, diapered devil doesn’t are worthy of what comes his way, but it’s how he deals with the bullies of the world and the crazy scenarios he gets thrust into while minding his own company that makes his stories so much fun.

Check: Our new Casper books will follow the path laid out by the numerous masterful artists and storytellers that have kept him around for so numerous years. American Mythology had one guideline going into the books, stay true to the characters, both visually and with their stories. With wonderful artists and writers like Mike Wolfer, bill Galvan, and John Gallagher, I think fans will be pleased with the respect we’ve given Casper and his friends. The stories are a good mix of tipping our collective creative caps to the golden age of the characters, but leaving the door open to bring in the next generation of fans.

Westfield: who are some of the other characters readers will meet?

Wolfer: There is a whole range of supporting characters for hot Stuff, but in his first few, all-new outings I’m focusing solely on him so that readers who have never met him won’t be overwhelmed by a substantial cast. We’ll get to meet him and get a good feel for what he’s all about before we bring in other members of his family. but I will say that in Casper #2 we’ll see a hot stuff story guest-starring Wendy, the good little Witch.

Check: American Mythology is bringing all the fan-favorites back with not only Casper, but hot Stuff, Wendy the Witch, Spooky, the Ghostly Trio, and Nightmare. I think fans expect to see their favorite characters surrounded by the familiar faces they’ve grown up with. Both Wendy and hot stuff have a considerable fan following of their own, and we’ll make sure to spotlight both of those characters with much more of their own stories as the book progresses, as well as having them join everyone’s favorite friendly ghost on his adventures.

Casper the friendly Ghost #1 cover by bill Galvan

Westfield: any closing comments?

Check: When American Mythology approached me about writing for Casper, I wanted to make sure I had something to say for the character before I committed. He has such a faithful fan base, that you want to do best by the character. So, I stepped back and re-read some of the classic Casper Harvey comics and viewed some of the old cartoons again, and I rapidly remembered why the character remains as popular as he does. Casper is everything a character ought to be; unique, but universal, entertaining, yet with substance and many of all – they’re just plain fun. To be able to contribute to a history as well-received and enduring of a character like Casper, is a real honor. I’m thrilled to help bring Casper to a new generation of readers.


Casper the friendly Ghost #1

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